Weniger Zeit beim Planen,
mehr Zeit zum Fliegen!

  • Alles zum weltweiten Fliegen in eine App
  • Flugvorbereitung in wenigen Minuten
  • Entspannte Flüge mit Echtzeit-Daten

Air Navigation Pro ist eine hochwertige App zur Flugplanung und Echtzeit GPS Flugzeugnavigation für Privat- und Berufspiloten auf der ganzen Welt.

28 Tage kostenlos! Jetzt herunterladen

Vom Abflug bis zur Ankunft: Planen Sie sichere Flüge innerhalb von Minuten

Unsere Kunden und Partner sagen über uns

Eine App aus Leidenschaft geboren


In-flight app test by two of our pilots.

Credit: O. Maiwald, project manager for Air Navigation Pro


Air Navigation Pro was created in Switzerland in 2008 by Johann Huguenin, a developer and VFR pilot, by merging his two passions. Firstly developed only for his own needs, the application was then offered on the App Store and became a dazzling success simply by word of mouth. He surrounded himself with a dedicated team of passionate pilots and developers with whom he later achieved, by request of thousands of eager and enthusiastic users, to release a version for Android and to add a hundred more features to the app.
For several years now, Air Navigation has maintained a partnership with Airbus, the world leading aviation company: an application has been specially developed for them and integrated into their helicopters.
To this date, more than 350.000 pilots use our app around the world.

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Air Navigation Pro kostenlos testen

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